The big finale in Ceske Budejovice Peter Bures alias Burák in Tuningcupu season in 2007 AUDI SCENE place in the excellent second place with his AUDI A4 LEOPARD: and won many Cup:
Like his,''Fany colleague, who sezonů 2007 after srazech gathered up many awards and the Grand Finals in Ceske Budejovice won TOP 3 cup for the third best car meeting held in the large finals:
It also can not forget Martin, with its green Fábií to the 2007 season in Tuningcupu umístíl section FABIA SCENE the perfect place 2 and 2 as well as his many friends won Cup of srazů held on the territory of the Czech Republic:
And here it is 3jce nejůspěšnějších tunerů from this club:
but Johnny with his BMW E36 coupe 325th
They have already dovoluju claim šlape to heel, and certainly also speak to the fighting in TUNING CUP 2008 in the BMW SCENE
Haribo ...